We are witnessing history in the making. Seeing how Coronavirusis the New Black: How a Virus Is Taking Over the Arts , you might already be aware of the changes happening right before our eyes. Art is going global, and with global online presence than ever, artists are changing the way they share their artwork. The web created an opportunity for many markets, giving them a space to be discovered in faraway places. Nowadays, companies pay for a top spot on popular search engines, learning how to use the web to their advantage. So, how are today's artists taking advantage of this opportunity? Hop on the Bandwagon Art creates an open field for expression. It is often shaped and molded by current events, with many artists looking to what's happening in the world for inspiration. They can then put their spin on it, shaping perspectives and giving their own rendition. Some pieces speak so loudly that they have the power to inspire, which is where custom creation sites like O...